暂未上传Logo 所属国家 中国
所属地区 广州
所属行业 女装
公司性质 其它
企业规模 5人以下
  TORERO offers to a global market, a reasonable fashion, confortable and present time; a fashion that each season full of youth and life our establishments: THE FASHION TORERO.

TORERO, was founded in 1997 with the objective to give service to a series of clients who looked for a collection in exclusive right for their stores. The development structure that seems more effective to us is the one than at the moment we maintain. The system of Commercialization of Franchise. By means of this system, we looked for that the store and the manufacturer work in narrow collaboration and harmony in the search of a common objective for all business: the attainment of benefits. In 1998, a year later of the TORERO creation is inaugurated the 12 first stores in Spain.


 发布日期 职位名称 工作地点
2007/3/29 外贸跟单员 广州  
2007/3/29 服装类外贸从业员 广州  
北京总部  电话:010-84831466  传真:010-84831466  
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