全职 兼职
密 码:
< % duty1=request("jobs") if duty1="" then duty1=cint(request.querystring("jobs")) 'if(duty1<>"0" and InStr(duty1,",")>0) then ' duty1 = cint(request.querystring("position1")) 'else ' duty1 = cint(duty1) 'end if end if 'response.write(duty1) 'response.end select case duty1 case 9 xxDuty = " and duty in(9,22,23,24,25,26,27,28)" case 1 xxDuty = " and duty in(1,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43)" case 2 xxDuty = " and duty in(2,4,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59)" case 3 xxDuty = " and duty in(3,20,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72)" case 7 xxDuty = " and duty in(7,8,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92)" case 5 xxDuty = " and duty in(5,118,93,94,95,96,97)" case 11 xxDuty = " and duty in(11,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105)" case 15 xxDuty = " and duty in(15,106,107,108,109,110,111)" case 12 xxDuty = " and duty in(12,10,112,113,114,116,117)" case 6 xxDuty = " and duty in(6,119,120,121,122,123,124)" case 16 xxDuty = " and duty in(16,115,125)" case 13 xxDuty = " and duty in(13)" case 17 xxDuty = " and duty in(17,44,45,46,47,48,49,50)" end select workplace1=request("workplace") if workplace1="" then workplace1=cint(request.querystring("workplace")) end if hopesalary1 = request("hopesalary") if hopesalary1 ="" then hopesalary1 =cint(request.querystring("hopesalary")) end if city1=request("city") if city1 = "" then city1=request.querystring("city") end if expire1=request("expire") if expire1="" then expire1=cint(request.querystring("expire")) end if rctype1 = request("rctype") if rctype1 ="" then rctype1 =cint(request.querystring("rctype")) end if worktime1=request("worktime") if worktime1 = "" then worktime1 = request.querystring("worktime") end if sex1=request("sex") if sex1="" then sex1=cint(request.querystring("sex")) end if education1=request("education") if education1="" then education1=cint(request.querystring("education")) end if truename1=request("truename") searchsql=" " if duty1<>0 and duty1<>14 and xxDuty="" then searchsql=searchsql&" and duty="&duty1 else searchsql=searchsql & xxDuty end if if (workplace1<>0 and workplace1<>32) then searchsql=searchsql&" and workplace="&workplace1 end if if (city1 <> "01" and city1 <> "0") then rem searchsql=searchsql&" and city ="&city1 end if if rctype1 <>"" then if rctype1=1 then searchsql=searchsql&" and hopesalary<6 or worktime not in ('5至8年','8至10年','10年以上')" if rctype1=2 then searchsql=searchsql&" and hopesalary>=6 or worktime in ('5至8年','8至10年','10年以上')" end if if hopesalary1 <>0 then searchsql=searchsql&" and hopesalary="&hopesalary1 end if if (expire1<>0 and expire1<>1) then searchsql=searchsql&" and datediff(day,indate,getdate())<="&expire1 end if if (education1<>0 and education1<>10) then searchsql=searchsql&" and education="&education1 end if if sex1<>0 then searchsql=searchsql&" and sex="&sex1 end if if truename1<>"" then searchsql=searchsql&" and truename like '%" & truename1 & "%'" end if if worktime1 <> "" then searchsql=searchsql&" and worktime = '" & worktime1 & "'" end if PageNum = 26 RowNum = PageNum i=0 SubjectId = Request.QueryString ("SubjectId") outStr = "" sql = "SELECT distinct top 1000 pbid,max(id),max(truename),max(duty),max(education),max(workplace),max(indate),max(sex),max(worktime),max(hopesalary),max(email) from personalview where newflag<>0 "&searchsql&" and jlstatus=1 and status=1 and duty<127 group by pbid ORDER BY max(inDate) DESC" 'response.write(sql) 'response.end set rs = server.CreateObject ("adodb.recordset") rs.CursorType = 3 rs.Open sql,conn dim dutyname,eduname,proname set rs = PageOn(rs,PageNum) if not rs.EOF then while not rs.EOF and RowNum>0 Id = rs(1) truename = rs(2) duty = rs(3) education = rs(4) workplace = rs(5) Indate = GetDateFormat(rs(6),2) sex = rs(7) worktime= rs(8) hopesalary = rs(9) mto= rs(10) if hopesalary=0 then hopename="面议" if hopesalary=1 then hopename="面议" if hopesalary=2 then hopename="2万以下" if hopesalary=3 then hopename="2-5万" if hopesalary=4 then hopename="5-8万" if hopesalary=5 then hopename="8-15万" if hopesalary=6 then hopename="15-30万" if hopesalary=7 then hopename="30万以上" if sex=1 then sex="男" else sex="女" end if if duty=0 then dutyname="其它" if duty=1 then dutyname="服装设计" if duty=2 then dutyname="服装技术" if duty=3 then dutyname="服装生产" if duty=4 then dutyname="CAD/CAM" if duty=5 then dutyname="外贸类" if duty=6 then dutyname="后勤服务" if duty=7 then dutyname="市场营销" if duty=8 then dutyname="导购店员" if duty=9 then dutyname="经营管理" if duty=10 then dutyname="服装模特" if duty=11 then dutyname="行政人事" if duty=12 then dutyname="文秘模特" if duty=13 then dutyname="其它岗位" if duty=14 then dutyname="其它岗位" if duty=15 then dutyname="财务会计" if duty=16 then dutyname="计算机人员" if duty=17 then dutyname="配套设计" if duty=22 then dutyname="总经理" if duty=23 then dutyname="副总经理" if duty=24 then dutyname="营运经理" if duty=25 then dutyname="企划经理" if duty=26 then dutyname="项目经理" if duty=27 then dutyname="企业管理" if duty=28 then dutyname="经理助理" if duty=29 then dutyname="设计总监" if duty=30 then dutyname="首席设计师" if duty=31 then dutyname="设计助理" if duty=32 then dutyname="女装设计师" if duty=33 then dutyname="男装设计师" if duty=34 then dutyname="童装设计师" if duty=35 then dutyname="内衣/文胸设计师" if duty=36 then dutyname="泳装设计" if duty=37 then dutyname="休闲服设计师" if duty=38 then dutyname="家居服设计师" if duty=39 then dutyname="牛仔服设计" if duty=40 then dutyname="毛衫设计师" if duty=41 then dutyname="皮衣/裘皮设计师" if duty=42 then dutyname="礼服/婚纱设计师" if duty=43 then dutyname="运动服设计" if duty=44 then dutyname="陈列设计师" if duty=45 then dutyname="面料设计师" if duty=46 then dutyname="平面设计师" if duty=47 then dutyname="网站设计师" if duty=48 then dutyname="图案设计师" if duty=49 then dutyname="服饰品设计师" if duty=50 then dutyname="手袋设计师" if duty=51 then dutyname="技术总监" if duty=52 then dutyname="技术部主管" if duty=53 then dutyname="板房主管" if duty=54 then dutyname="制版师" if duty=55 then dutyname="样板师" if duty=56 then dutyname="样衣工艺师" if duty=57 then dutyname="技术与验货主管" if duty=58 then dutyname="推档/放码师傅" if duty=59 then dutyname="纸样排版员" if duty=60 then dutyname="生产厂长" if duty=61 then dutyname="生产总监" if duty=62 then dutyname="生产部经理" if duty=63 then dutyname="车间主任" if duty=64 then dutyname="包装部主管" if duty=65 then dutyname="品控经理" if duty=66 then dutyname="裁床主管" if duty=67 then dutyname="裁剪师/电剪" if duty=68 then dutyname="车位工" if duty=69 then dutyname="大/小烫" if duty=70 then dutyname="毛衣织机工" if duty=71 then dutyname="机修工" if duty=72 then dutyname="质检人员" if duty=73 then dutyname="市场营销总监" if duty=74 then dutyname="产品总监" if duty=75 then dutyname="营销总监" if duty=76 then dutyname="市场拓展经理" if duty=77 then dutyname="区域经理" if duty=78 then dutyname="销售代表" if duty=79 then dutyname="品牌经理" if duty=80 then dutyname="加盟部经理" if duty=81 then dutyname="企划经理" if duty=82 then dutyname="店铺策划" if duty=83 then dutyname="市场督导" if duty=84 then dutyname="专卖店店长" if duty=85 then dutyname="培训讲师" if duty=86 then dutyname="市场专员" if duty=87 then dutyname="统计员" if duty=88 then dutyname="数据分析员" if duty=89 then dutyname="信息人员" if duty=90 then dutyname="业务经理" if duty=91 then dutyname="业务员" if duty=92 then dutyname="跟单员" if duty=93 then dutyname="外贸业务员" if duty=94 then dutyname="外贸跟单" if duty=95 then dutyname="单证员" if duty=96 then dutyname="单证船务" if duty=97 then dutyname="翻译" if duty=98 then dutyname="人力资源部经理" if duty=99 then dutyname="行政经理" if duty=100 then dutyname="培训讲师" if duty=101 then dutyname="人事文员" if duty=102 then dutyname="行政助理" if duty=103 then dutyname="客服经理" if duty=104 then dutyname="客服代表" if duty=105 then dutyname="公关人员" if duty=106 then dutyname="财务总监" if duty=107 then dutyname="财务经理/主管" if duty=108 then dutyname="审计经理" if duty=109 then dutyname="会计" if duty=110 then dutyname="出纳" if duty=111 then dutyname="统计" if duty=112 then dutyname="总经理秘书" if duty=113 then dutyname="秘书" if duty=114 then dutyname="文员" if duty=116 then dutyname="文员兼试衣模特" if duty=117 then dutyname="前台文员" if duty=118 then dutyname="外贸业务经理" if duty=119 then dutyname="采购主管" if duty=120 then dutyname="仓库管理人员" if duty=121 then dutyname="物流专员" if duty=122 then dutyname="后勤人员" if duty=123 then dutyname="档案管理员" if duty=124 then dutyname="保安" if duty=125 then dutyname="计算机维护人员" if duty=115 then dutyname="网站设计/电子商务" if education=0 then eduname="保密" if education=1 then eduname="初中" if education=2 then eduname="技校" if education=3 then eduname="高中" if education=4 then eduname="中专" if education=5 then eduname="大专" if education=6 then eduname="本科" if education=7 then eduname="双学士" if education=8 then eduname="硕士" if education=9 then eduname="博士" if education=10 then eduname="不限" if workplace=0 then proname="其它" if workplace=1 then proname="北京" if workplace=2 then proname="安徽" if workplace=3 then proname="福建" if workplace=4 then proname="甘肃" if workplace=5 then proname="广东" if workplace=6 then proname="广西" if workplace=7 then proname="贵州" if workplace=8 then proname="海南" if workplace=9 then proname="河北" if workplace=10 then proname="河南" if workplace=11 then proname="黑龙江" if workplace=12 then proname="湖北" if workplace=13 then proname="湖南" if workplace=14 then proname="吉林" if workplace=15 then proname="江苏" if workplace=16 then proname="江西" if workplace=17 then proname="辽宁" if workplace=18 then proname="内蒙古" if workplace=19 then proname="宁夏" if workplace=20 then proname="青海" if workplace=21 then proname="山东" if workplace=22 then proname="山西" if workplace=23 then proname="陕西" if workplace=24 then proname="上海" if workplace=25 then proname="四川" if workplace=26 then proname="天津" if workplace=27 then proname="新疆" if workplace=28 then proname="西藏" if workplace=29 then proname="云南" if workplace=30 then proname="浙江" if workplace=31 then proname="重庆" if ((i mod 2)=0) then outStr = outStr & "" else outStr = outStr & "" end if rs.MoveNext RowNum = RowNum - 1 i = i + 1 wend else outStr = "" end if Response.Write (outStr) Response.Write ("") rs.Close() conn.close() % >
" & truename & "" & sex & "" & dutyname & "" & worktime & "" & eduname & "" & proname & ""& indate &"
" & truename & "" & sex & "" & dutyname & "" & worktime & "" & eduname & "" & proname & ""& indate &"

") ViewPageOn rs,PageNum,15,"hr.asp?SubjectId="&SubjectId&"&rctype="&rctype1&"&jobs="&duty1&"&workplace="&workplace1&"&education="&education1&"&expire="&expire1&"&sex="&sex1&"&truename="&truename1&"&worktime="&worktime1&"&hopesalary="&hopesalary1 Response.Write ("
< % set conn = nothing set comm = nothing % > -->